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Medical Specialties

Our hospital offers 14 different medical specialties. Although we might be a mid-sized institution in comparison to the other surrounding hospitals, it can safely be said that Tokatsu Clinic Hospital takes a leading role in the treatment for chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Medical Specialty Departments

Internal Medicine Department

In recent times, there are a growing number of patients with “lifestyle diseases”, such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, hyperuricemia, which are commonly consequences of malnutrition and lack of physical exercise. We are keen to provide dietary and lifestyle guidance to such patients to prevent further diseases while carefully paying attention to any potential complications.

Nephrology Department

When nephritis is diagnosed in a blood or imaging test, we do a thorough checkup of the renal function grade. Based on that result we also make a renal biopsy examination, allowing us to prepare the best possible treatment plan. Depending on the renal function grade the treatment consist of lifestyle adjustments, dietary therapy or medication.

Cardiovascular Medicine Department

Nowadays one major concern is that CKD not only causes chronic renal failure, but also that cardiovascular complications as a consequence are increasing. The factors leading to this are the growing number of arteriosclerosis, the aging of the population, as well as the general increase in diabetes. Then the major trigger for diabetes is lifestyle.
Dealing with these issues at our hospital, we cooperate with other excellent cardiovascular specialty hospitals of our region. Forming partnering teams of our renal failure specialists and their cardiovascular specialists we provide great medical treatment.

Gastroenterological Surgery Department

Our department of gastroenterological surgery has a notable record of treating gastroenterological cancers of dialysis patients in particular. Patients suitable for surgery are operated while receiving dialysis treatment. If the general physical state of a patient does not allow surgery, we will choose interventional treatment by using endoscope and X-rays to keep the patient’s physical strain to a minimum.

Vascular Surgery Department

In recent years, alongside the aging population, the number of patients with symptoms of occlusion of peripheral arteries and vascular lesions of the heart or brain has been increasing. Treating a large number of dialysis patients at our hospital, the number of outpatients who suffer from coldness and numbness of the lower extremities, ulcers or necrosis of feet and fingers caused by the progression of arteriosclerosis through long-term dialysis treatment is rising, too. For these patients, our vascular surgery department offers treatment by various examinations and bypass surgery.

Orthopedic Surgery Department

In this department, we treat general pathological changes of the limbs and the locomotorium. We have great experience in the treatment of snapping finger resulting from amyloid plaques and carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), which can often be observed in long-term dialysis patients.

Urology Department

In our urology department, we mainly diagnose prostate cancer and prostatic hyperplasia. Generally, if prostate cancer is determined without any metastasis in men under the age of 75 and in physically good condition, surgery or radiation therapy will be the preferred option, and we then can introduce them to a partner hospital.
Endocrine therapy inhibits the male hormone testosterone, which plays a crucial role in the growth of prostate cancer, with a success rate over 90% and only minor side effects.

Diabetes Department

Lately, the number of patients with chronic renal failure due to diabetes based on lifestyle diseases is on the increase. We treat patients in the diabetes stage prior to progressing to renal failure. Alongside medication we proactively offer lifestyle-customized dietary therapy and physical exercise coaching to each patient.

With years of experience we are highly appreciated as CKD treatment specialists.
In addition to these therapy areas, we also have a department for surgery and respiratory surgery.